All tagged vayikra

The mitzvah of “ve’ahavta le’reacha kamocha” (Vayikra 19:18) is spelled out explicitly in the Torah. According to Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvos, and Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatzer, it is counted as one of the positive commandments. It is an emotionally-driven *mitzvah* that is immediately preceded by two other emotion-based mitzvos: “lo sitor v’lo sikom,” the prohibition of bearing a grudge or taking revenge...

Parshas Vayikra and its surrounding parshios are generally the ones that most people do not find overly interesting nor particularly satisfying to learn. This stems from a fundamental error, however. Korbanos — the primary topic of these parshios — far from being merely the ritualistic slaughtering of animals and sprinkling of blood, are really all symbolic. God states repeatedly throughout Nach that He does not care about the slaughtering of cows, but instead desires the required actions, mindset, growth, and corrections that are meant to be an outgrowth of the korban (Isaiah 1:11; Hosea 6:6; etc.)...