All in Yom Kippur

Last week’s parsha concludes with the commandment to destroy the nation of Amaleik. This week’s parsha begins by listing the unique mitzvos ha’teluyos ba’aretz, or the mitzvos that are only able to be fulfilled in the land of Israel, starting with bikkurim. Rashi often asks what the connection between two seemingly unrelated parshios is, but he is curiously silent here...

At the end of his introduction to Mishneh Torah, the Rambam lists all of the twenty-four sefarim that comprise his great Halachic work. He briefly discusses the content of each one and explains his rationale for each title. For example, he writes, “In the Third Book, I shall include all of the mitzvos which occur at determined times, such as Shabbos and the Holidays. I have called this book Sefer Zmanim (Book of Times).” While this classification seems eminently reasonable, the Rambam has a problematic description of the contents of Sefer Ha-mada (Book of Knowledge). He writes, “In the First Book, I shall include all of the mitzvos which pertain to the fundamentals of the Religion of our teacher Moshe, which a man must know before anything else — such as, for example, the Unity of His Name, blessed be He and the prohibition of idolatry.”...